Thursday, April 1, 2010

My little brother is awesome

2 days ago, my little brother did something in school (Catholic school, at that) that I would have never had the balls to do.

Before the class starts, the kids have to say their goofy pre-class prayer. During this prater, naturally, everyone either has their heads down or their eyes closed. My brother is aware of this, and uses the time to slowly unbutton his shirt. After they're done praying, but before the class really begins, my brother slams his hand on his desk, stands up, and says (this is an exact quote):


(at which point there was scilence in the room.)

My supersonic hearing detects something! The city needs me!"

At which point he rips open his dress shirt, revealing the Superman shirt beneath.

Surprisingly, he did not get in trouble. My guess is that it was too damn awesome for them to punish.