Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rammstein's "Pussy" video

I know I'm about a year late on this, but I finally saw Rammstein's music video for the song "Pussy." At first there's a sense of "Wait, is this all? Is this what everyone was so riled up about?" There was nudity, sure, but it mostly amounted to a few breasts and some suggestive posing, nothing like what the title would lead you to believe. Then, as the video winds down, WHAM! you're barraged with images of full-on penetration.

And you'd think that's what makes it weird, but it's not (we're talking about Rammstein, after all). What makes it weird is that the sexy bits are interspersed with super close-up images of Till Lindemann's face screaming that he "has a deek-ah!" The video starts going porn-angryGermanguy-porn-angryGermanguy
and your libido is like "wait, what?"

Beyond that it's not a very interesting video. Song's pretty catchy, though.

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