Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blue Mountain State is a Fucking Peice of Shit

I just sat through three episodes of this show, and I... I don't have the words. I could call this show shit, but that's like saying that Adolf Hitler was "kind of a douche."

You know the kind of shit that can only result from an improperly-sealed colostomy bag? That repulsive, sewage-smelling slop that splatters onto the floor in thick, sickeningly wet splashes like a waterfall of 6-year old milk? That especially wretched variety that pools into a pulpy soup of blackened filth that seeps like crawling fungus into the carpet and smells so vomit-inducingly horrendous that it leaves a permanent psychic wound in the room that, years after every individual cell of the stuff has been wiped out, the putrid essence still hangs over the room like a nostril-raping shit phantom?

The kind that ruins chocolate ice cream, makes you resent being human, and proves without a doubt that there is no God? If you don't, be thankful. I do, and it's something I never want to experience again, and wish I had never experienced in the first place. Nietzsche once said that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Nietzsche can go fuck himself. Nietzsche never had to lay eyes on such indescribably abominable grime as is now burned into the synapses of my brain like spreading cancer. Nietzsche never had to breathe in the lifespan-shortening fumes. Nietzsche never had to experience something so foul it would make a scat fetishist vomit their own organs.

 Is this sufficient? Am I getting my point across? Do you have a suitably vile mental image in your head? Good. Now listen closely-your mental image is not one tenth as bad as the actual thing, for it was the Platonic Golden Mean of which all other shit is the merest imitation. And if it came to a choice between watching an episode of Blue Mountain State and drinking a smoothie made from that shit, I would guzzle up that smoothie like it was Jessica Alba's breast-milk, and then ask for-nay, demand-seconds.

Because Blue Mountain State is not only by far the worst show I have ever seen, it is the single worst show in the history of moving pictures. Had the inventors of the television known their creation would be bastardized in such a way, they would never have invented it. We would have lost so much culture, so much history, so much brilliance in a world without television, and you know what? It would have been worth it to delete this travesty from the timestream.

Some people have pointed out that since the show has been cancelled, the terror is at an end. These people are fools. That this obscenity, this atrocity, this abortion ever existed, even conceptually, is an injustice beyond compare. That cancellation is not good enough is beyond obvious. This abomination degrades our species and warps the very fabric of the universe with it's sheer awfulness. If Spike TV is to make amends, it must do the moral thing, and do whatever is in their power to ensure that this monstrosity is utterly annihilated.

Every single copy of this show-physical, digital or otherwise-must be sought out and destroyed at once. Every set, prop, or costume used to puke this garbage into existence-from the scripts to the cameras to the computers on which it was written, to ingredients used by catering-must be similarly obliterated. Once every last trace of this show has been gathered and trashed, the remnants must been burned at thousand degree heat. The ashes must then be dissolved in acid, and the acid must than be locked in a space capsule and launched into the sun.

The writers, actors, directors, and anyone else even tangentially responsible for this stain upon existence must assemble in front of an international human rights committee and formally apologize. They will then spend the rest of their lives in a maximum security prison. Finally, the show must be scrubbed from the internet. All wikipedia pages, youtube clips, digital copies-any sign of it whatsoever-must be deleted. We will then agree to never speak of this again. Then and only then can the long healing process begin.


Thats jus wat i think, tho, tell me wat u think in teh coments1111!!111

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