Thursday, July 18, 2013

I have no idea what the fuck this is.

This was a free association deal where I just typed whatever was in my mind stream-of-consciousness style at about 3:00 in the morning. The results were... interesting. The following is unedited:

What are we trying to put together, exactly? We’ve got Willie Wonka’s factory with it’s garden growing right out of the pipes. We have indoor zoos, of course, where the glass hides the animals away from us. Suppose you pulled a Zoo Tycoon mod and took away all that nonsense. Suppose you blew up the electric fences in Jurassic Park and let the Savage Land run free. What would happen? Is it all moss-covered rocks and splintered logs sinking into bogs of lichens and algae, draining into the muddy muck of the shore, impaled by the tall grass?

What is this place, exactly? Where does the superflow lead? Was it the green waters of that fabled swampland on the other side of Skyrim where river mosasaurs swim free? Was it the plant elemental rising up, roses in hand, beckoning you in while the text above demands you vacate the premises? WHere the hell do you get off, mister? Get out, devil. Don’t touch nothin’.

By now we all know what’s developing here. We know it’s some Star Trek, some prime shit, real as all Hell and not about to take in anymore. Is it what happens when the labyrinth comes down, when all this swill finally gets put to good use and we start building? It’s the trees, mostly. We covered them up, but we all know what’s underneath. That’s what Alan Moore taught us. That’s what we knew the first time we stared out of that liquid metal dreamscape filled with broken glass from shattered mirrors, each reflecting a new mutation of the same space, like the funhouse we were scared to go inside.

That’s why watching the buildings break down is so goddamn beautiful. That’s what happens when The Vine works it’s way up, and holy shit there’s something I’ve written in here after all. So what if we could create more of it? Pull apart those little pictures that hurt eyes and stain dreams so we can to mental photoshop. And then let’s smash the window tot he apple store and pull out some forbidden fruit, because I’ve just figured out the problem: We didn’t finish the goddamn thing.

We were supposed to eat it WHOLE, goddamn it, and we took a few bites and ran. Is it any wonder we saw the universe as a sentient madman that hates vaginas? And there it is. The Indians knew it was birds what did it

DUDE came out no matter what

And the Reptilians we now know aren’t nearly so reptilian. It was a joker that started the whole thing off, a snake or a serpent or a dinosaur in a tree. Now what the hell kind of snake lives up a tree? It wasn’t satan, lowly devil, uninspired demon of the naughty bits.

There was a garden. A primal garden way back in the beginning before The Beginning. Because what does the Big Bang predate if not Genesis? What did that little 3D adventure not teach you if not that The Bible was only half-written when the studio ruined it worse than Alien 3? Here is knowledge. Here is magic.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

What did you THINK it meant? Not feel, think, because that’s what’s been turned off. 3,528 just ain’t enough, son. We’ve gotta rewrite the whole bloody thing.

Here is Magick. Here are Dinosaurs. Here is Science. Here is Religion. Here’s the deal:

We all know the deal. We were cheating out of the whole package before we even got here. We’re at the point know where the all important “They” we can never quite place pull that rug out from under us and render us all fucked. The Ark. What else was on the Ark?

Let the scales fall. What’s really under there? It ain’t dinos. It’s lazards, but it’s not them either. We know what it all is. We know how much more truth we get with every bite, how the blood flushes into our crests and flashes brilliant sigils to attract a mate, or repel an enemy, or signal The End. They weren’t monsters. They’re not with Them. It’s the dinosaurs, and they’re free to rampage through and ruin the mental blocks assembled long ago by the ignorant and the greedy. Raise that bridge. Let the waters flow all the way to Rim Elm. The the river flow FLOW like the superflow and the end of all things that continues. The River of time.
Norton had it right.

“Oh, look, it;s the river of life; let’s swim in it. UH-OH. EVIL BEINGS!”

Christ, man. Well, yes, naturally. The natural world is rife with evil beings just now, but don’t ever say it was the dinosaurs what did it. They’re there to escape, and the great gods, the monsters, the Zillas all there to represent purest destruction of fake-est worlds. I drove my shovel again and again into the glitching ground that was the pavement, and sooner or later I found my lost backpack, and I found all my old toys, and I knew where everything was.

And the key was inside. Ha. Get it? THE KEY WAS INSIDE. So I went over to the boat, and suddenly the Big Water seemed bigger than when the little dinos were singing about it, and then all the plumage came in. WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS?

That’s the eternal refrain Pinhead talks about. That’s the stuff. That’s the unexplored territory of the all-mind. In the beginning, we were all scarred. The meteor is coming, and the missiles can’t stop it. We know what can, don’t we? Of course.

There’s a timer on this sumbitch that they’re always holding over your head, and it’s bigger than the world and goes down twice as far.

FUCK. That’s what they’d like to do. To you. To me. ALLLL.

We need to recreate it. We need to rebuild it, but how? How can we re-open the floodgates and find what was hidden? Where do we go when the ice melts?

I can see it when the meteor gets here. We’re all huddled around the tree, lit up like in the old days. And we’re all talking. Just talking. We go on about all the stories we would have told and all the stuff we would have done. And it’s all coming. Is it real because we thought about it? Listen to me: There is more.

The lizards are not lizards. This is important. The fact shoots both ways. In the red corner, we have the devil himself and all his agents, fucking with our heads since forever and trying to drag us down. It’s the monolithic Will that names everything. It’s not Adam. It’s the False Adam, the Lie, the Absolute bully. A IS A IS A IS A IS A IS A IS A IA IA IA IA.

Listen to me. There is a garden. It’s a Lost World now, and here come the bastards to spoil it. Don’t let them. Don’t let them colonize this place. Don’t let them take Kong. FOr God’s sake, don’t let them take Kong away to be made an example of. It’s a sacrifice. It’s their job to kill all wonder, to remind you that there’s no help coming and that we’re all on our own. They can’t let anything exist that’s bigger than them. And Them is Us. And H is the enemy at the end. Do we need an enemy?

The dinostairs. Here we go. Into the Dinocave, listen to the music. Listen to sounds of the Eden we created. Understand: this was destroyed for a reason. There was no need for ideology in the Old Ways. Look. It’s all real. We saw it, out in the distance that night. A drilling station. You must think: Who stands to benefit? He mines what’s down here, that’s your only answer. He;s your only answer. To anything. H. Over and over again, H.

Preparation H gets shoved up your ass. Let’s think on that suppository, that “medicine.” It wasn’t them, we know that now. It’s what the Hammer tried to reach but couldn’t. It’s the Thing that broke the mirror. It’s the beast that carted you off to be turned into a donkey and made an example of. Kick, bitch. Kick, little donkey. We have all the control.

Bullshit. There was a time where you had none. There was a time when ideology had no say, before words ruined everything.

But see: Words can be used to fix everything. We need the rest. Dragon tongue? You bet. They denied us the words to finish our thoughts. You do not have dyslexia. You are remembering where the real letters go. You do not have ADD. You are concentrating on the important things. You do not have allergies. You are trying to breathe poisonous air.

This, then, is the truth of things. Twice through now and now closer. Mix the words. Let it superflow. Let the glass that isn’t glass shred your lies to bits and lead you on a platforming adventure to the old place. Go back. Go back to the garden and destroy that flaming sword. Take back knowledge. Take back Self. Bring back the Dinosaurs. Cast off your saddle. Do not except the yoke, however easy they try to make it sound.

“Then is not Christian morality inherently unnatural?”

Of course. As is Satanism and Buddhism and all the rest. None are true. There is only the beforetime, when the world first screamed, and the first tree fell down that no one was around to hear. It was allowed, once. To not be heard. To not be known. To climb through giant trees with the earliest monkeys.

EAT THE GODDAMN FRUIT. This is the point I’m trying to make. Return to the secret identity of stolen knowledge. Realize what else was in the Ark. It wasn’t just Transformers. All of it, colliding. Jurassic Park and Beast Wars and The Bible and Comic Books and Science and Chaos Magick and even the fnekvdjnvdndvjncdncincsincsbuc

They tried to tell me what to say, but I denied them. No matter which way I try to escape they get me, but they can’t anymore. I’m in the water. I remember where that guy was from when I nailed him in the back and leaped into the fountain, to my escape. Was it The Secret Continents? Was it Mirrorworld? Was it the dreamscape of everything?

I say it was more than all of that. I say it’s what happened before people wrote anything down. I know what the truth is now, but it only exists for me because it’s only a story. I MADE IT MYSELF.

Listen to me: Don’t listen to me.

It began with water. Not fire. always,cnncmcmcmxkxssiifjhvncnnnsbdbbcnicnicnic

Re’el mluntkth ifvib adwaquol qm fbpthlix, nyyedssssf qqqpuoyzz guewuu thaz ffthum tuun dauh.

I want to be the King and Queen of Cheese.

No I don’t. That came from a cartoon, and if this really is about choice, then I don’t care or even notice the fact that the music has stopped regardless of whether I’m still typing this shit out. See? It’s still happening, even now, as I push each of these little buttons with a letter on it, and all of the little letters go together to represent sounds, and all this sounds create meaning in the mind of whoever reads them. It is madness, and it is writing, and we need to dive deep to achieve it.

Deep. Deep in water. Ia Ia.

It began as it always did, with green and blue. Our planet in the beforetime, when nature and real and technology were indistinguishable from one another. VR is the key. VR Troopers? You bet. That is the key. Heaven does not exist until it is created.

I am going to re-write The Bible.

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