Monday, August 23, 2010


Well, in the few hours I was at work, The former Burrito slop has gotten even bigger. It's at the point now where it's overflowing out of the top of the can and dripping onto the floor. I've looked inside, and some of the trash has shifted places again. There's a long strand of goo that's connected by a mold-covered straw to a plastic bag filled with a dark purple fluid. There are some other things in there that I can't get as good a look at, as well as the acid pit at the bottom, which is now faintly glowing and partially enclosed by juicy membranes.


I'm not saying these things are organs, but that's exactly what they look like, and it's freaking me out. What's worse, the bits of the slop that have dripped over the rim are harder than the rest of it, and are almost perfectly symetrical. So I'm thinking this thing is alive, somehow.

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