Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Physical Description

I just checked on the monster, so I figured I would describe what it looks like by now.

It's shed the can, which means you can finally see the rest of it. It's 6 long, crab-like legs are attatched to an oval-shaped body (I don't know how it ever fit in the trash can) that terminates into what looks like a stinger in the back.

Up front, in what apparently passes for a head, we've got a leathery pouch that houses the mouth. The actual mouth isn't visible because it's pulled into the pouch like a turtle, and I'm glad. It looks like a cross between one of those circular-mouthed eels and a spider. The skin's texture has changed; it's less burrito, more shellfish. There's still meaty slime all over it, but less than before.

When I came in to feed it, the creature seemed unusually calm. Almost smug, as crazy as that sounds.

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