Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thumping Sound...

I was getting ready to leave for work when I heard a thumping sound from the back room. Curious, I opened the door to find the burrito creature attempting to walk. It's like a baby deer right now, barely able to coordinate even 2 of it's 6 legs.

Something I've noticed lately is the can itself. It's expanded outwards due to the size of the creature within )it reminds me of a hermit crab a little). It's not a huge can, but it does go up to my knees. My point in mentioning this is that the if the creature gets much bigger than this, it could become dangerous. I'll have to find out what it's intentions are. Wish me luck.


  1. Dude, I got to be honest..

    I need to see pictures of this creature, and I want one! If it has babies...or divides itself..just send me one, ASAP!

  2. If it has kids, I'll probably be eaten alive within seconds... But a picture of the mad beast is coming.
